Cynthia Claxton
MCABW Press Representative
Home and Office Organizer Thomas Graduates from MCABW Mentoring Program
Conroe, Texas (June 28,2017) — Montgomery County Association of Business Women (MCABW) is proud to
recognize Home and Office Organizer Dianne Thomas as its most recent graduate of their Mentoring Program.
The program is designed to assist the mentored participant iu growing their business and overcoming identified
business challenges.
As a benefit of MCABW membership, the Mentoriug Program requires that female business owners identify
specific business growth goals that they will need assistance with while participatiug in the program.
“Dianne has followed the advice of her designated mentors and completed her assigned tasks successfully,”
said Dawn Candy, MCABW Mentoring Team Leader and owner oflocal promotional marketing firm I
Promote You. “She identified clear, concise and realistic goals for her five-year-old busiuess and achieved
them by the end of the mentoriug program.”
The POWER (Peers Offering Woman Engaging Relationships) Team meets one-on-one with MCABW
program participants to teach them how to engage in the community through relationship building and
effective networking. Program mentors are industry experts iu their fields and are MCABW members
“My mentors were very williug to help me with any an all of my concerns for my business,” said Thomas,
owner of Organize This. “I would recommend this mentoring program to any female business owner who
wants to build relationships through this educational resource.”
“By creating simple systems for an organized arrangement of space and belongings, I assist those who have
become frustrated with their environment, feel paralyzed by the disorganization and don’t know how to start to
unbury themselves” said Thomas. Whether momentos, paperwork or inherited things have taken over iu the
home, office, kitchen, bathroom, closets or garage, organize This makes decluttering suggestions and
recommendations and always takes into account client’s preferences, needs and desires. To learn more about
Thomas’ services, visit For more information about MCABW,