Cut The Clutter

Cut The Clutter

Cut The Clutter A scrap of fabric to make that quilt, the squeeze toy to strengthen your grip, several curling irons, purses that you never carry, these are all avenues that folks who are clutter bond.  Clutter is the modern quicksand. Clutter can create turmoil and...
Organizing Paper Clutter

Organizing Paper Clutter

Organizing Paper Clutter Assign a spot for paper sorting. Set up action files next to where you perform the paper task. Reference papers need to be in a place close to where you need them. Archived papers should be stored in a file cabinet Daily distribute the...
Depression/Anxiety From Clutter

Depression/Anxiety From Clutter

Clutter    Depression-Anxiety Cycle Here is the cycle: Anxiety and depression can cause a cluttered home. A cluttered home can cause depression and anxiety. The cycle perpetuates and less gets done. Clutter… Overstimulates our system (visual, olfactory, tactile),...